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Neapolitan Pudding Popsicles

Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate Pudding Popsicles are great for the summer heat! #summer #popsicles from
Did you know that there is no Strawberry Instant Pudding? 
I looked and looked! Seriously! I thought this Neapolitan Pudding Pop idea would be easy. 
Three boxes of instant pudding and some milk… but noooooo!
Strawberry Pudding does not exist where I am. 

Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate Pudding Popsicles are great for the summer heat! #summer #popsicles from
So, to make these AMAZING Neapolitan Pudding Pops, I had to make Strawberry Pudding.
Which was actually very easy to make.
I simply added some strawberry extract to the vanilla pudding.

Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate Pudding Popsicles are great for the summer heat! #summer #popsicles from
No! I did not cheat! 
These popsicles turned out GREAT! With the Strawberry, Vanilla and Chocolate Pudding in these crazy push-up pop molds that I scored at the store. 
I really liked these. 
Also, why don’t they sell pudding pops anymore? 
Just something else the stores don’t carry… 

Strawberry, Vanilla, and Chocolate Pudding Popsicles are great for the summer heat! #summer #popsicles from

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Neapolitan Pudding Pops

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by Karyn Granrud
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Keywords: ice-cream popsicle

Ingredients (6 popsicles)
  • 1 small box Vanilla Instant Pudding
  • 1 small box Chocolate Instant Pudding
  • 1 teaspoon Strawberry Extract
  • 1 -2 drops Pink Food Coloring (Optional)
  • Milk
  • Popsicle Molds
Make Pudding according to the directions on the box.
Divide the Vanilla pudding in half and add Strawberry Extract and a touch of pink food coloring to one half.
Add the Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry pudding to the popsicle molds and freeze for several hours or overnight.
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Susan Queck

Susan Queck

I'm Suzy, the baker and dessert maker behind this blog. Baking is my lifelong passion, where I find the magic in transforming basic ingredients into delectable works of art. Join me in my sweet journey of culinary exploration and celebration! More about me.