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Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Truffles

Peanut Butter Week!

After I made my Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Pops, I moved on to truffles!
I added mini chocolate chips to the cookie dough balls before I rolled them smooth. 
Place them into the fridge to firm up for 30 minutes and melt you chocolate wafers.
Place a dough ball on a fork and spoon chocolate over it. Tap the fork with a butter knife to smooth out the chocolate and then gently transfer the dough ball to a cookie sheet covered in wax paper. To see a video on this technique, click here for my You Tube video.
Sometimes, the bottoms will not cover when you cover the truffle this way, and that’s ok. Simply dip the bottom of the truffle back in the chocolate and coat the bottom.
FYI – Do not dip half way up the truffle, it’ll look funny. Ask me know I know…
If you don’t cover the bottom, the paper liners will get
really yucky!

Place them back on the wax paper to dry and harden. If your house temperature is less than 80 degrees, these can sit in a container on your counter. If they are for guests, place them in mini cupcake liners to display. They come in many different designs and colors, so have fun!


Happy Baking 🙂

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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

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