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How to Add Edible Images to Oreos

I’ve been drooling over the beautiful Oreo Cookies with the edible images on them. They are so pretty and look like they are a lot of work. Recently, I challenged myself to make some and I found out that they are not difficult and you don’t need anything special.

To make these, I started off with regular Oreo cookies and white Almond Bark. I got some of the Duff Cake Tattoos and a SpinningLeaf Standard Sandwich Cookie Mold. I used the cupcake template on the back of the tattoo container and cut out my circles. This would have been easier if I had a paper punch, but I didn’t have the correct size.
I cut out my six circles, poured my melted candy over top filling the container 2/3 of the way, then pushed the Oreo into it. Make sure that you cover the back of the cookie, tapping to mold to get any air bubbles out and scraping off any excess coating. 
Place the mold into the freezer for 5 minutes to harden. Remove and turn the mold over releasing the cookies. If they don’t come out easily, rub your thumb in a circular motion to “warm” it and it will release. Some friends also give it a good whack on the counter.


Now, isn’t that easy? And they are so pretty and ready to serve at your next party. They would be fun in a goodie bag or served at a shower or wedding. Use these little boxes from BRP to package them up and keep them safe. Here’s a photo with some of their boxes in use.

Remember, these are made with candy melts. They will melt in temperatures greater than 90 degrees. Please keep them in the house with the AC on or in a cooler and out of the sun for best results.  Enjoy!
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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.