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St. Pattie’s Cake Pops


Happy (almost) Saint Patrick’s Day everyone! 
I wanted to share some St. Pattie’s Day Inspired Cake Pops that I made for my daughter’s Gymnastics class!
The cake pops above were flattened disk shapes.
Make your cake ball by hand and then just press the center to flatten. 
You do need to watch when you add the stick that it does not get too thin and have the stick break through.
If your batter is too soft, it could also break through the disk. 
These were simply dipped and decorated. Nothing too fancy.

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The Pots of Gold are all over the internet right now, but what the heck – I made some too!
To make these, form you cake ball as usual.
Dip the stick into the melted candy and then insert the stick into the ball while ON the cookie sheet. This helps to make a flattened bottom which will become the top of the pot.
Dip the pop and then place down to get a flat edge. I bought a bunch of black candy melts at Halloween. Dark Chocolate works great in place of the black.
When dry, dip the flat side in yellow candy and decorate with yellow and gold sprinkles.

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Finally, I made a few Shamrocks. Form your cake ball and then shape into a pseudo shamrock shape.Yeah, see? Pseudo, right? (Kinda phallic in my opinion…) Moving on….

Dip the pops and allow to dry. Add some melted candy to a baggie and snip off a teeny edge. Hand pipe hearts on to each leaf and sprinkle with sugar sprinkles. 
FYI – I liked the light green sprinkles better.
For videos on making Cake Pops, visit my You Tube page.
For other posts on Cake Pops, visit here and here.  


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Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

11 thoughts on “St. Pattie’s Cake Pops”

  1. Oh my goodness! Those are so cute! I've been wanting to try cake pops with my 4 year old forever! I may have to try some St. Patty's Day ones with her this week!

    I'm now following you from Trick or Treat Tuesday!!

  2. Hi Karyn,
    Just precious "Pops" for St. Patrick's day, I don't which I like the most. Hope you are having a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Miz Helen

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