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Banana Whiskey Cupcakes

My daughter is a FRUIT junkie. She loves fruit and would eat it for every meal if I let her. Her breakfast choice is fruit over Pop Tarts. Her lunch or snack will always consist of fruit. And for dinner, she usually has some sort of fruit on her plate. I can’t complain. It’s so much better than the Pop Tart or sugary snacks and cookies.  So, is it any wonder that my daughter’s first cake pop was Banana flavored? 
She LOVES Banana cake pops and it’s so easy to make banana cake from a cake mix. 
She rejected chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry and proclaimed that she would never eat a cake pop. 
Here’s What You Need for a Plain Banana Cake:
Yellow box cake mix
3 eggs
2 bananas
1/4 C oil
1 C water
1 teaspoon baking soda
Combine all ingredients and mix well for 3 minutes.
Add to your choice of baking pan and bake at 350 for 25 – 30 minutes.

I baked half the cake in an 8″ round cake pan and I’ll show you the cake pops I made with them on Friday.

In other half  I added:
5 Tbls Whiskey
2 Tbls brown Sugar
1 tea Cinnamon
1/2 C Chopped Pecans
Add to a prepared cupcake pan and bake at at 350 for 25 minutes. 
Let them cool and prepare your butter cream frosting.
1/4 cup shortening
1 1/2 sticks butter
1 pound powered sugar
1 Tbls Saigon Cinnamon
Milk as needed approximately 8 Tbls 
Combine shortening and butter then mix in powered sugar and milk until the consistency is as thick as you like. Then add the cinnamon. The good cinnamon. The same cinnamon that Cinnabon uses. Trust me.
Frost, top and indulge!
Now, you may notice in the above picture some caramel oozing out from under the frosting.
I was experimenting with adding some caramel, but just thought that all the flavors were so good and did not need the addition of the caramel. 
However, it was good. And if you want to add it, please, be my guest!


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Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

28 thoughts on “Banana Whiskey Cupcakes”

  1. Is this as fabulous as it looks??? Gosh it looks GOOD!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer.. From Dream To Reality! I can't wait to see what you'll be linking up this evening!

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