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Bat Cake Pops

I made BATS! 
Bats without hats… I just ran out of time!! Sigh…
Also, I kinda thing the wings look more like antlers. They’re cute, but quite antler-ish…
On the bright side, I knew I did a good job when my daughter walked in the door and squealed with delight that I made BATS! So, they passed the kid test.
If my kid knows what I made, then they pass. 

This year, my daughter asked to be a bat {again}. She was a bat two years ago and her Grandma made the outfit. 
This was us at 5:30 putting the finishing stitches on the outfit. I kinda felt like I was on “Project Runway” and I just needed 5 more minutes to stitch the garment! 
She loved it and that’s all that matters! 
This year I refused to make another outfit so we went to the store and picked out a “Monster High” outfit. I got some hot pink clip on hair and colored hair spray. I hope she looks cute!
At least as cute as my antler bats here!
These Bat Cake Pops are very simple to make.
Make your cake pop batter and shape round. Melt Black Candy melts and put a 1/4 cup of the melted candy into a baggie. Pipe out two bat wings per cake pop and allow to dry.
Dip the cake pops and attach the dry wings while wet. 
Add eyeball candies and stand up to dry.
Have a happy and safe Halloween!
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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.