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Butterfly Cake Pops

Spring time celebrations aren’t complete without Butterfly Cake Pops. You can learn how to make these fun cake pops at home for your garden party.

Spring time celebrations aren't complete without Butterfly Cake Pops. You can learn how to make these fun cake pops at home for your garden party.

Butterfly Cake Pops

Spring it HERE! Spring is here! It was a beautiful day here in West Virginia. The kids were outside running and playing and having a great time in the sunshine. The brown is giving way to fresh green, pops of yellow and various shades of pink and orange. I love all that spring has to offer, so I made some beautiful Butterfly Cake Pops with the colors of spring!
Spring time celebrations aren't complete without Butterfly Cake Pops. You can learn how to make these fun cake pops at home for your garden party.
These are easy cake pops to make. Basic round cake pops dipped in green and then candy use a mold to make the butterflies and flowers.
You can personalize the flowers in any color that you want. Look for fun molds in your local craft store. I used this Martha Stewart Flower Garden Moldir?t=psbusa23 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B007IQWT6C for my flowers and butterfly. Check around and find one that you love. There are many to choose from.
Spring time celebrations aren't complete without Butterfly Cake Pops. You can learn how to make these fun cake pops at home for your garden party.

So, what are you plans for the Spring? Got any gardening plans? Vacation plans? Staycation plans? We are heading out to the North Carolina mountains in a few days with grandma and I’m looking forward to getting out of town (again).

I wonder if the butterflies are just as excited for spring as I am!

Spring time celebrations aren't complete without Butterfly Cake Pops. You can learn how to make these fun cake pops at home for your garden party.

To make the two-toned butterflies, I rubbed one color of candy melts into the veins of the butterfly then filled in the mold with the second color. Pop the mold into the freezer for 5 minutes then carefully remove the mold.

You can prepare a bunch of butterflies and flowers and attach them as you dip the pops or you can dip all of the pops then attach the decorations with a but if melted chocolate.

Just be careful with the butterfly wings – they did break easily. But they were also repaired fairly easily as well.

Spring time celebrations aren't complete without Butterfly Cake Pops. You can learn how to make these fun cake pops at home for your garden party.
Don’t know how to make Cake Pops? I’ve got you covered! Check out my videos along with my tips on my Cake Pop Tutorials Page.
For more Spring Flower Cake Pop ideas, check out these.

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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.