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Dinner in 3-2-1 Done!

I’ve rounded up 12 great dinner ideas to help me, and you, have your family come together for dinner time and share some stories from the day. I know that the summer months can be tough without a routine to keep things moving along so here’s Dinner in 3-2-1 DONE!

I know that the summer months can be tough without a routine to keep things moving along so here's Dinner in 3-2-1 DONE! 12 recipes the family will love.

Dinner in 3-2-1 Done!

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Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Susan Queck

Susan Queck

I'm Suzy, the baker and dessert maker behind this blog. Baking is my lifelong passion, where I find the magic in transforming basic ingredients into delectable works of art. Join me in my sweet journey of culinary exploration and celebration! More about me.

5 thoughts on “Dinner in 3-2-1 Done!”

  1. Well then I totally failed as a parent, I didn’t even try to keep my kids on a schedule during the summer! LOL Thanks so much for including my Italian Beef in your roundup, Karyn. Have a great week…and don’t beat yourself up too much. 😉

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