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Easter “Bunny” Lion Cake Pops from Cake Poppin

I have loved the Cadbury Egg Bunny tryout video since 1987 (yes I had to look that up). The lion is my favorite character. I think he is so cute and Jo, from Cake Poppin’, made an amazing impostor lion cake pop!

Back again from the Cake Poppin kitchen with an idea that should bring back some fond memories. With Easter just a few weeks away, bunny ears are popping up all over the place, even where you least expect them and this little guy is no exception. Inspired by one of the most famous Easter commercials, the Easter Lion has become a familiar character through the years. Here’s a step by step on how to create him in cake pop form.

What you will need:
Finished cake pop
Tan melting chocolate (made by combining white and milk chocolate candy melts)
White Melting chocolate
Black Melting chocolate or black food coloring marker
Peanut butter or butterscotch chips
Mini Marshmallow
Mini M&M’s
Pink Sanding sugar
Cake pop sticks
Toothpick or piping bag


To begin, first prep the lions nose by cutting the M&M’s in half.

Dip your stick or paper straw into melting chocolate and insert it about half way into your cake ball. Once the chocolate hardens, this will keep your cake pop from falling off of the stick and provide some stability for the the cake pop. Dip your cake ball in the tan melting chocolate and shake off excess chocolate.


Wait about 20 seconds and before your cake pop is completely dry, attach one half of an M&M in the middle of your cake pop for the lion’s nose. Note: If your cake pop dries before you can stick on the nose, you can easily attach it using some extra melting chocolate.


To attach the mane of the lion, use a toothpick to dab a drop of chocolate on the top of the cake pop and attach an butterscotch chip. Continue this process until the mane circles completely around your cake pop.

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Using the same toothpick and some black melting chocolate, carefully draw on the mouth of the lion. Then using white melting chocolate, dab on two drops for his eyes. Once the white part of the eyes are dry, go back to your black melting chocolate and dab on 2 smaller drops for the lions pupils.

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To create the headband for the bunny ears, use your toothpick to draw on a thin line running from ear to ear of the lions face. Let dry completely before adding ears.
Prepare the ears by snipping the mini marshmallows in half on the diagonal (as pictured).
Once cut, there will be a sticky side that will be the front of the bunny ears. For a little extra detail, you can dip the sticky side into pink sanding sugar. Use a small dot of chocolate to attach the bunny ears to the top of your lion.

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And there you have it! These little guys are so adorable in their Easter best!


Roar!! These impersonating Lions are amazing! They are so cute and I totally think they would make wonderful Cadbury Egg Bunnies!

I hope everyone has a chance to check out her FB page and shares some love with her. 


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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.