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Naked Truffles

So, I tempted you to come over and take a look at my truffles. Was it because I said they were NAKED? Ha Ha! Well, they sort of are. In this summer heat we have been having in West Virginia, it has been very difficult to make my cake pops on sticks. I just don’t keep the air conditioner cool enough in the house for the chocolate candy coating to really set up correctly. i.e., the way I want it to!
As a result, I am making truffles with a hint of candy coating. These cake truffles are not as sweet and not a calorie dense as the candy coated pops. You get much more of a fudge-like feeling in your mouth when you bite into one. My husband referred to them as ‘Yummers!”


I also have an ulterior motive… I want to try some new flavors and I don’t want them masked with the candy coating vanilla or chocolate flavor. I am offering to make these for $12 a dozen in hopes of getting some feedback (good and b.a.d.) in order to offer some new flavors in the fall.
Some of the flavors I would like to try are: Coconut, Orange Creamcicle, Dark Chocolate with Sea Salt (hubby approved), Chocolate Caramel, Sugar Cookie, Twinkies, Tim Tams, and Cookie Dough. Anybody drooling yet???
Send me a request, let me know when your event is, what flavor you are interested in and what color decoration you might like. If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. Maybe a Kahlua flavor… mmmmmm

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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

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