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Perfect Cake Truffles

I have “officially” lost 5 pounds!! 
I am so happy. This is the motivation that I need to keep up on my diet. I have been working out and eating better and I feel great for it. 
Last Saturday, I ate so much junk food that I had such a tummy ache, that I was wishing for “Real” food on Sunday. This Saturday, I’m just going to eat normal food and enjoy it. No pigging out on baked goods. It’s just not worth it. I want fruit, and yogurt, a sandwich and maybe some pasta. Oh, and definitely some Ice Cream!
Everybody LOVED my super easy Perfect Bottomed Cake Pops and I am totally blown away from the response on Pintrest. It’s crazy to me! I never would have thought that would happen. 
Today, I’m going to show you how I make Perfect Cake Truffles. 
This is a step up from getting your fingers covered in chocolate and messy sides that look like your dog licked them.  I’ve made those before, and I was not to thrilled to share them with ANYBODY!
This method keeps your fingers and utensils out of the chocolate which will produce smooth sides and a perfect bottom. 
Just what every woman wants – a perfect bottom  🙂


Step  1. Prepare you cake truffles by making cake pops and laying down the candy wafer disks. Cut your sticks in half and use the shortened stick. Dip, drip and place the pop on the wafer.
Step 2. Twist the stick in the cake pop to release the stick. Do not pull up on the stick to remove it, you will end up cracking the candy shell.
Step 3. Once all of the sticks are removed, you may notice a little funnel protrusion. That is undesirable.
Step 4. Cut off the offending protrusion.
Step 5. Clean flat topped cake truffles waiting for decorations.

Step 6. Put a little of the candy melt into a baggie and snip off a tiny bit of the corner.
Step 7. Fill in the hole that was left from the stick.
Step 8. While wet, smooth the top with your finger. Once dry, check out your “naked” truffle.
Step 9. To hide the filling, take a second color of candy and place it in a baggie and snip off the tip.
Step 10. Drizzle the candy decoration over the truffle and top with a sprinkle. 
Voila!  A step up from Kindergarten cake truffles made with messy fingers or messy chocolate. 
The bottoms are perfect, the tops are round, the sides are smooth, and they will look elegant on your dessert table for your fancy dinner party. 
Depending in how large or small you make them, you can put them into mini cupcake lines or even truffle liners for presentation.
One last note – I know that a lot of cake truffle makes use a toothpick in place of the stick to use as a handle to dip the pops. I tried several times, and each time, I lost the cake in the candy. I was not successful with using that technique. Feel free to try it if you don’t like the large hole that the lollipop leaves.

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Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

20 thoughts on “Perfect Cake Truffles”

  1. Cute! I'll have to try that…I need to make some for a bridal shower. Can I ask which candy melts you use? I have tried the Wilton melts, and they just don't work that great for me…but I'm probably not melting them right.

    1. This was a mix of Wilton, Make and Mold, and Merckens. I used Wilton for the Red and Black. Make and Mold Dark Blue. And the Green and Yellow were from white Merckens chocolate that I colored with oil based food coloring.
      With Wilton, go with a lower power setting in the microwave. I dump the bag into a ceramic mug and micro for 1 min on high. Wait 5 minutes and stir. The next time I melt it's 30 seconds at 60% power. The candy melts will only get thicker the hotter it gets.Keep stirring and if it does get too thick, wait 10 minutes to let it cool off before you add any thinner to it.

  2. I think I have died and gone to heaven! Yummy! I feel like I can go and make these now! I am loving your blog! Im a new follower! I would love for you to check out mine sometime!

  3. So very pretty. Love the blue.
    I found this via Make Ahead Meals for Busy Moms. I have linked in my latest attempt at meatballs. Have a super week.

  4. Thanks for the great tips, I will have to remember them the next time I make cake balls or cake pops. Thanks for sharing at Showcase Your Talent Thursday!

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