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Sunflower Cake Pops


Yayyyyyy!!!! I truly think Spring has finally reached us here at
Goodiebites in New York City and is hopefully here to stay.  (Fingers crossed!)
Winter has been a never-ending season of cold and wind and wayyy too much snow! We’ve had a fun time baking and keeping warm by the oven but now that the sun is out, the birds are singing, grass is growing and the temps are on the rise, there’s no better way to celebrate than with some super easy Sunflower Cake Pops.  With only 4 ingredients plus sticks and a cake pop stand, you’ll be all set to create your own sweet sunshiny treats. Here’s how:

Materials :
Round cake balls
Chocolate Candy Melts
Green Apple Laffy Taffy Candy
Bright Yellow M&M’s – about 10 per cake pop
Sticks and a cake pop stand

1 material

Make sure you have everything you need right in front of you because you will be working at a pretty fast pace. Also, turn over all your m&m’s with the letters down so you can have all the plain sides facing forward.

Let’s begin
First, attach your cake ball to the stick. Dip and coat ball fully in melted chocolate. Prop the wet pop in your stand. Immediately take an m&m in each hand and attach to top of wet pop. Continue adding m&ms quickly down each side. (If coating dries too fast you can add more melted candy with the tip of a pop stick and attach m&ms but they will sit a little higher than those you already pressed into the wet pop). When you have a small space about the size of a final m&m, stop and leave that last space blank. Allow to dry fully. Meanwhile you can shape the leaves.


Take a small piece of the Laffy Taffy and mold it with your fingers to look like two leaves. Using melted chocolate, apply the leaves to the bottom spaces of the dried cake pops. Hold it gently in place until it sets and prop in stand.

If you’re not happy with the shape of the leaves after applying, wait a few minutes until they have adhered and dried onto the cake pop and you can gently reshape them.

3 adding+leaves+set

And there you have it. Simple materials and a few easy steps and you’re ready to share some Springtime Sunshine with your very own Sunny Day Sunflower Cake Pops!


Lisa, I love these happy flowers! I can’t wait for warmer days and gardening. These just make my heart sing.
Please follow Goodiebites on Facebook and check out her cake pop classes in New York City as well as in California! Don’t forget to check out her online shop
Pint Sized Baker Logo
I link up at THESE GREAT parties!

Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.