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Blueberry Coconut Mini Pies


Spring has arrived in the Mid-Atlantic – the birds are chirping and the daffodils are blooming. I love this time of year. Everything, including myself, comes back to life. I can enjoy spending the afternoon outside pulling weeds and getting my hands dirty. I love it!

It’s also the perfect time for no-bake treats. I admit, I use the oven as a way to heat the house up sometimes. I felt so cold this winter that I would stand in front of my oven when I was done baking and just enjoy the warmth!
A few weeks ago Lucky Leaf asked if I would be a taste tester for one of their new pie flavors. I was asked to make their Fluffy Blueberry Cream Pie with Toasted Coconut and give them a review.
Well, I loved it! It was easy to make, tasted great, and it’s purple! How many purple desserts are there? I seriously loved the color. It was fun! My daughter got a kick out of it!
I have to tell you that I am not very good at cutting a graham cracker crust pie… they look horrible when cut. So, I decided to make my version of them mini pies. You can get pre-made mini graham cracker crusts and just fill them up instead. They aren’t quite as impressive as a large pie, but I really like personal sized treats.
You know what else I like?? A special delivery of flowers!
Lucky Leaf has teamed up with FTD to give all my viewers a $10 savings on select flowers. Head on over to FTD and check out their selection of flowers. Send some to yourself, to your best friend, or to a family member. My mini rose bush sure did brighten up my day.
Some pie and some flowers will definitely make anyone happy to have you over.
Thank you to Lucky Leaf for providing me with the pie filling necessary for this recipe.
Blueberry Coconut Mini Pies

recipe image

by Karyn Granrud
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Keywords: no-bake blueberry cream cheese pie
Ingredients (serves 12)
  • 12 mini graham cracker crusts (2 packages)
  • 8-ounce cream cheese
  • 1/3 C Sugar
  • 1 Tbls Milk
  • 2 C Cool Whip (thawed)
  • 21-ounce can LUCKY LEAF® Premium Blueberry Pie Filling
  • 1 C Coconut Flakes, small and large flakes (I used unsweetened)
Toast your coconut either on the stove top in a large skillet over medium heat or in the oven on a cookie sheet at 350 for 5 minutes. Remove and cool.
Cream the sugar, milk, and cream cheese until smooth.
Fold in the Cool Whip and blueberry pie filling. The color should be uniform and no white should remain. Fold in 3/4 of the toasted coconut.
Place the mini crusts on to a cookies sheet and spoon the filling into them. Top with a sprinkle of the leftover coconut, cover and chill in the fridge for 2 hours.

Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.