So, I made 13 cake pops this evening in order to make my “Fixing Cracks” video and wouldn’t you know it – NO CRACKS! I tried, too! I took my pops right out of the fridge and started dipping away… Finally, I thought I’d change it to “How Not to get Cracks”. Here are my thoughts as to why I did not get any cracks.
Temperature Control:
Don’t let your candy coating be too hot or your pops too cold.
I used a laser temperature gauge like this.
The temperature of the candy coating was at 98 (a bit cool and thick by this point) and the pops were 65 (right out of the fridge). My house temp was a wonderful 74 with no humidity.
I only rolled my pops once! Once to form, NEVER agin after being cold. Do not over compact them or squish them. As they warm up, they expand and therefore, crack the candy coating.
Today I used my smaller 1 Tbl Norpro cookie scoop to measure my cake pops, versus my Chip Clip brand Cookie scoop which is 1.5 Tbl. I think the smaller the pop, the less expantion there might be…
Hope this info is helpful!
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