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Simple Apple Design Cake Pops

I think that I am the luckiest Mom in the States!!
Wanna know why??
Because my kid doesn’t start school until SEPTEMBER 8th!! 
AND… There is only like 4 things on her Back to School Shopping List!
I can’t believe it!
She is starting a new school for first grade and I thought she would start the day after Labor Day.
However, today, we got an e-mail that school starts on the 8th!
I can’t believe it!
To celebrate my freedom from my 6 year old going back to school I made some simple Apple Cake Pops that I know you can make!
I started off with the Apple Caramel Cake and baked it in a 9×13 pan. There is no need to be fancy with it. You’re just going to crumble it up anyway.
Once the cake is baked and cooled, I crumbled it up and added a large spoonful of vanilla frosting. Combine it with a paddle attachment with your mixer and you’re good to go.
Measure out your balls and roll smooth. I usually get 36 – 40 cake balls from an entire cake box mix. 
**NOTE** A good way to know if you used too much frosting is to see how sticky your hands are  when you are rolling the cake balls. My hands stay 99% clean of  cake and frosting. If your hands are covered in cake, you’ve used too much frosting.
Pop them in the fridge to chill and firm up. 
Melt you candy melts. I went with white to show off the bright red apple. You can pick school colors for a fun color variation.
Attach the sticks by dipping a 1/2 inch of the stick into the melted candy and then inserting it halfway into the cake ball. When I’m making a lot of pops, they end up all over my cookie sheet.
Place 30 pops back into the fridge and only keep out 10 to dip first. 
When you work in batches of 10 (or 12) your pops won’t warm up too much.
There is a fine line for your cake pops to be too cold or too warm. Too cold, and you risk your cake pops cracking. Too warm and the cake will fall off your stick. 
I’ve even only pulled out 3 – 4 pops at a time from the fridge to dip during the summer. Just figure out what works best for you.
When all of your pops are dipped, it’s time to punch out the apples.
I used Wilton’s Sugar Sheets in Red and a Martha Stewart apple punch from the craft store. 
Simply punch out the apples from the sugar sheets and set them aside.
I added some very light green swirls to the pops and then attached the apple shape to the wet candy. 
You’re Done! 
Well… sort of… Wrap them up and send them off with your kid to school. 
If your school doesn’t allow for outside snacks, the teachers and administrators would LOVE to have some of these cake pops!
As for my kid, I still have a month of her at home driving me crazy. 
Maybe I’m not the luckiest Mom in the States after all…

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Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

36 thoughts on “Simple Apple Design Cake Pops”

  1. Karyn, this is so cute! I'm sure kids and teachers alike will appreciate these awesome cake pops. Caramel apple flavor? Yum! And lucky you that your kid not only starts later but has a limited B2S list! Easy peasy year for you, methinks 🙂

  2. These look so yummy – and I'm lovin' using the sugar sheets for the apples – makes life for cake decorating challenged folks like me easier! Found you on Two Saster's link up, and I'm excited to be following you! Hope you can visit soon…

  3. Oh My! So cute and creative! So cute for back to school! I hope you will link up tomorrow to The CSI Project starting tomorrow. The challenge is Back to School Projects. You just might win. Each week is a new challenge with 3 tutorials, giveaway and a fun guest judge.
    Come on over!

  4. Karyn! So Cute- these Apple Pops are Perfect for Back to School! Love how you used the Apple Cake mix- get out, I didn't even know they made that! Looks Fantastic! Found you over at the CSI Project, thank you for sharing this!!!

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