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Smores Mini Cakes

Easy and fun s'mores cake that is ready in a jiffy! Make them in mini pans so everyone gets their own!

S’Mores Mini Cakes

 I love s’mores any time of year! Traditional s’mores aren’t always in the cards, so when I’m craving some, this is a great way to have some soft, toasted marshmallows and chocolate. These s’mores mini cakes are just what the doctor ordered. You can bake up a few of the mini cakes in advance and then toast the marshmallows before serving them up. You can even keep a few cakes frozen in the freezer and enjoy a secret dessert after the kids are put to bed.  😉
Smores Mini Cakes
Recipe Type: Cake
Author: Karyn Granrud
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 4-6
  • 1 box Chocolate Cake + ingredients on box
  • 2 packages of Graham Crackers
  • Marshmallows
  1. Follow the instructions on the cake box.
  2. Crumble a full rectangle of graham crackers in a paper cake pans to make your crumb base. Add the cake batter over the crumbs and bake your cakes for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove them and check for doneness. Allow them to cool in the paper pans. When ready to serve, add marshmallows and place them under the broiler and watch closely as they puff up and brown.
  4. Remove and serve with a cold glass of milk!
My Mom was in town this past week and we ran around EVERY DAY! I am so tired and really just want to sleep for like 12 hours! We got up early, we went out, and we stayed up too late. I’m not complaining… I’m really grateful that my mom is still able to keep up and visit with us. We are very blessed that my daughter still has four grandparents that are active in her life. My Mom was here visiting for a week and next weekend she’ll be having a sleepover with my in-laws while I’m out in California for the Orange County Cake Pop Meet-up #OCCPMU.

I’m very excited to be heading off to California. Kim, from KC Bakes, is the brains behind the meet up. I was so happy to have met Kim at the Food Blog Forum in May. We were instantly BFF’s and now we talk on the phone and IM each other for cake pop ideas, blog idea, photo tips and just to talk about life.

For the Meet-Up I’m going to be talking about my photography. I’ve learned A LOT about food photography and my photos have improved so much because of blogging.
I post behind the scenes photos on my Instagram account often, so if you want to see more of my set ups, please follow me.
If I were to put my “photo lessons” into an eBook would you be interested in reading it? My husband thinks I’m qualified to put something like this together, but I don’t feel qualified to write about it.
What do you think? Would you like to know more about how I improved my photography? Leave me a message and let me know.
In the meantime, I made these amazing Chocolate S’mores Cakes! They are small enough for enjoy one yourself. If you want to share, they are equivalent to two cupcakes.
These are great to make and freeze for later. Just freeze them without the marshmallows. Thaw and toast the marshmallows before serving.
Or just make half of the batter like this and the other half for some fun cupcakes.
Check out these S’mores Treats
What a fun alternative way to enjoy your S'mores!! S'mores Cake Pops! #cakepops #pintsizedbaker
Girl Scout Samoa Smores5

Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Susan Queck

Susan Queck

I'm Suzy, the baker and dessert maker behind this blog. Baking is my lifelong passion, where I find the magic in transforming basic ingredients into delectable works of art. Join me in my sweet journey of culinary exploration and celebration! More about me.