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Prepping Strawberries

Strawberry Pie 12

How to wash and prepare fresh strawberries to last all week and for months of awesome smoothies and desserts.

I spent an hour with my daughter picking fresh strawberries last week. We picked seven pounds of berries and brought them home. I was a bit overwhelmed with so much fruit, but while I was washing all of them, I thought that I would share how I clean all of the fruit that comes into the house.

I do this to my apples, berries, grapes, pears, plumbs, and everything else that has edible skins. That includes lemons and limes because I’m always zesting them, so it’s important to get them clean!

With these fresh strawberries, I made an Old Fashioned Strawberry Soda and a Strawberry Brownie Cheesecake. Oh my, they were good!!

Fresh Strawberries are the best! Learn how to clean them and make an Old Fashioned Soda and Brownie Cheesecake. from #dietersdownfall

To start off, I clean my kitchen sink. CLEAN! I spray it with Clorox cleaner and scrub it down.

Then I fill the sink with lukewarm water and add 1/2 to 1 cup of Vinegar. Then add in the fruit. I added about half the berries to this batch. The vinegar will help to gently clean the fruit as well as kill any mold that may be growing on the fruit that will cause the fruit to rot quicker.

Planning on picking a ton of fresh strawberries this summer? Here's how I wash and prep them to keep all summer long!

Let the berries soak for 10 to 15 minutes, agitating them gently to get the “bug poop” and dirt off of them. While they are soaking, prepare an area to dry the berries. I have tea towels and paper towels ready along with a cookie sheet with a silicone mat.

When you’re ready, rinse off the strawberries and remove the stems. Place the berries on the paper towels and dry them completely.

It’s important that the fruit is DRY before you put them into the fridge. If your fruit is wet, you’re inviting mold to grow and the fruit to rot. Dry them well.

Planning on picking a ton of fresh strawberries this summer? Here's how I wash and prep them to keep all summer long!

To store my fruit, I have some plastic containers that I’ve saved, so I lay down a paper towel in the container and then add the fruit. I’ve also read that putting them into glass jars help them stay fresh for a long time.

When you prepare fresh strawberries, blueberries and even raspberries this way, they should be good in the fridge for a week! No more moldy fruit hiding in the bunch.

If you can’t eat ALL the fruit within a week, freezing it is easy.  I hull then quarter the strawberries and place them in a single layer on the prepared cookie sheet. Freeze them overnight and then transfer them to a freezer baggie and they are all ready for lots and lots of smoothies, jam or pie.

Planning on picking a ton of fresh strawberries this summer? Here's how I wash and prep them to keep all summer long!

I hope that you enjoyed this little tutorial on how I wash my fruit. Please let me know how you wash your fresh fruit from the farmer’s markets, co-ops, and farms. I’m always interested in learning new ways to make my life easier.

Prepping Strawberries

Prepping Strawberries

This is my favorite way to clean and prep fruit to use for the week or to freeze and use later.

Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes


  • strawberries (or any other berries or fruit)
  • 1/2 - 1 cup white vinegar


  1. Before you begin, make sure your kitchen sink is clear and clean. Use your favorite all purpose cleaner to scrub your sink before adding the fruit.
  2. Fill your sink 3/4 full with lukewarm water and add 1/2 - 1 cup of white vinegar. The vinegar will help to gently clean the fruit as well as kill any mold that may be growing on the fruit that will cause the fruit to rot quicker.
  3. Let the berries soak for 10 to 15 minutes, agitating them gently to get the dirt off of them. While they are soaking, prepare an area to dry the berries. I have tea towels and paper towels ready along with a cookie sheet with a silicone mat.
  4. When you’re ready, rinse off the strawberries and remove the stems. Place the berries on the paper towels and dry them completely.
  5. To store my fruit, I have some plastic containers, so I lay down a paper towel in the container and then add the fruit. I’ve also read that putting them into glass jars help them stay fresh for a long time.
  6. If you can’t eat ALL the fruit within a week, freezing it is easy. I hull then quarter the strawberries and place them in a single layer on a prepared cookie sheet. Freeze them overnight and then transfer them to a freezer bag and they are all ready for smoothies, jam, or pie.

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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

6 thoughts on “Prepping Strawberries”

  1. Thanks for sharing!
    You said you keep the fresh ones in extra strawberry containers from the store? You mean the ones with all the holes? I thought airtight was better for washed strawberries (but I could be wrong… that’s why I’m reading your article–because I still need to learn.)
    Thanks for the tips. I think I’ll do this from now on. I often try to just wash as I eat… but some members of my house eat them before washing because they never think to… yuck.

    1. Yes, I just reuse the plastic fruit containers. I think that the air circulation around the berries keeps moisture from forming which will rot the fruit faster. It takes time to do, especially when I come home from the store with 5 different fruits to wash. They all get washed in the same water, but sometimes I have to do it in batches. I think its worth it to do for my family.

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