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Valentine Love Bug Delivery of Cake Pops

You've got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bugs have some Valentine treats for someone I love! Check out these perfect cake pops!
Special Delivery!!
Special Delivery!!
You’ve got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bug Cake Pops have some Valentine treats for someone I love! With their pretty heart wings and smiling faces, they are sure to deliver some smiles on February 14th – or any day of the year. Someone falls in love everyday. Why  not celebrate that love with some heart covered cake pops?
You've got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bugs have some Valentine treats for someone I love! Check out these perfect cake pops!
These little Love Bugs have a Special Delivery!
 You've got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bugs have some Valentine treats for someone I love! Check out these perfect cake pops!
And they are all for you!
These turned out so pretty! I LOVE them!
You've got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bugs have some Valentine treats for someone I love! Check out these perfect cake pops!
Well, I love the finished product. I did not enjoy making the hearts.
To tell ya the truth, I’ve never liked making hearts. I find that they are hard to dip. Not the dipping really, but the tapping off the excess candy can be tricky.
You don’t want a lot of candy in the top of the heart, so you need to tilt it from side to side. But because the heart is skinny it tends to get loose from the stick and starts leaning. The weight of the candy also tries to pull the cake off the stick.
I don’t suggest hearts for newbie cake poppers… Stick with spheres.
However, if you really want to try a heart, here’s how I made them.


You've got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bugs have some Valentine treats for someone I love! Check out these perfect cake pops!
For beginners, the basic pops with mini hearts will be easier.
You've got a Special Delivery! These little Love Bugs have some Valentine treats for someone I love! Check out these perfect cake pops!
Want more Love Bug action?? KC Bakes has some Love Bugs as well!
Head on over to see her Love Bug Tutorial.
Check out these Valentine Cake Pops
Valentines%2BCake%2BPops 7

Valentines Heart Cake Pops


Valentines Day Rose Cake Pops


My Valentine Treats

Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

35 thoughts on “Valentine Love Bug Delivery of Cake Pops”

  1. Hi there, I'm Lyuba from
    I have a new series where I post my favorite recipes and projects from the blogland every week. I really love these heart pops and I would love to share it. Do I have your permission to use your photo as a feature ( linked to your post and blog)? Please email me and let me know 🙂
    You can see last week's here:

    Thank you!

  2. So ADORABLE!!!!!!!!! I'm in love with all your cake pops!!

    Thanks for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer… From Dream To Reality! Can't wait to see what you link up tomorrow evening!

  3. They are so sweet, Karyn. They'd be beautiful on their own, but the parcel material really accentuates it. I wish more cake poppers would create settings in which to place their creations. Anyway, I highlighted it over at Only Cake Pops ( Love Bug Cake Pops!
    )- I hope it sends some business your way!

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