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Brownie Bites

PS+Malt+Ball+Brownie+Bites+(4) 1
I have a secret to tell ya – well, it’s more of a “no duh” kinda secret. 
All these treats have made me FAT! I’ve gained a few pounds over the winter, but I dismissed it and just slipped into sweat pants. As the spring came around and temperatures got warmer, I just slipped on my comfy shorts. I did notice that I was back up a size on my capri’s but just figured that I can easily drop a few pounds and all would be better again. 
However, I had a real slap-in-the-face when the family went for a photo session and when I saw the pictures, I was shocked!! I could not believe that was ME!

So, I am now on the fourth week of my DIE.T! Yes, a hard core diet. 
I am following the diet that is in the 4 Hour Body Book and living from one week to the next.  I just completed my third “Cheat Saturday” where I can eat ANYTHING I want to! The next 6 days are all protein and veggies. As a result, I am now only baking on Fridays and Saturdays. 
I could not believe how much I was licking my fingers, the beaters, the spatula, the mess on the counter… 
(It’s so hard to bake and not lick your fingers. Try it sometime. Record it. You’ll be shocked.)
And then, once something was baked, I had to try them! 
Now, I don’t limit myself to taste testing, I just allow myself to do it on Saturday ONLY.
So, on Saturday, I had quite a few of these little brownie beauties. 
I found the recipe here
PS+IMG 0951
These were some delicious brownies that were the perfect pop-in-your-mouth over and over again size.


I topped them with chocolate butter cream and was in chocolate heaven.
That’s where I want to go when I die – Chocolate Heaven. 
Until we leave for Hawaii on the 17th, I’m in diet hell : (  Well, I guess it’s not so bad. One week at a time.
Don’t even ask how I got the frosting to pile up like that, ’cause my answer is PFL!! Pure Fairy Luck!
I link up to these fun blogs!

Images, text and all other content Copyrighted©Karyn Granrud, Susanne Queck and Wunderlander Verlag LLC, or ©Pro Stock Media via Unlicensed republishing permitted. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn on qualified purchases.

Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

28 thoughts on “Brownie Bites”

  1. Oh too funny– my mom keeps asking me who is eating all of my blog post creations!! I know the feeling, it's hard not to eat all the treats that come from your kitchen. By the way, I am just in the middle of writing a post about cake pops that I'll post this Wednesday and I mention that you and Bakerella are my FAVORITE cake pop makers. Thanks for the continued inspiration!!

    1. That is so sweet! Thanks for the mention. I just enjoy doing it and I seem to have a knack for cake pops. I do give away a LOT of my treats and I try to make them for other people anyway. However, the "taste testing" was getting a bit out of control. I've even thrown away perfectly good treats – *GASP!- Just so I would not eat them.

  2. These just look so amazing! I hear you about gaining some weight over the winter. Good for you for doing something about it. I'm still in the moaning about it phase =o)

    1. I was moaning and groaning about it for a while, but I figured I'm the only one who can do it. I'm fortunate that my husband and child eats what I'm eating for dinner each night. That makes a huge difference. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. Thanks so much. It's great for the kids or a pot luck where there are tons of desserts. They are small enough that you don't feel like a total glutton when you walk away from the dessert table with 10 desserts on your plate.

  3. Good luck on your diet! I'm currently in the middle of a "biggest loser" bet with some friends. I'm not gaining but I'm sure not losing thanks to the taste testing I must do. Wouldnt want to write about bad treats would I;). THese look great the frosting looks AMAZING. THanks for sharing on WHatcha Whipped Up!

  4. Karyn,
    Gook luck on your diet! I've been watching what I eat too and it sure is hard to do while in the kitchen baking and licking my fingers! We leave for the Mediterranean on Saturday and my clothes fit much better since I did loose 14 pounds. Have a wonderful time in Hawaii. We love it there. By the way – These little beauties look divine! Thanks for sharing at Creative Thursday 🙂

  5. It is so hard NOT to lick the beaters! I try to give them to the kids right away! But if it's frosting, forget it, I "taste" so much of it! Good luck with your diet! Thank heavens for cheat days! If you need unload these, I'll take some!

  6. These are just darling! I'm taking a vacation soon too and have tried since the first of the year to drop some lbs….after 6 months, I've finally lost 5#…it sure isn't as easy as it use to be. If you're gonna splurge, I'd say this is what I'd love to splurge on too. Sounds like an awesome vacation ahead…no matter what size your pants are. *-*

  7. Karyn, these are beautiful Brownie Bite's and your recipe looks awesome! Hope you have a great week end and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
    Come Back Soon!
    Miz Helen

  8. I need these NOW! They look delicious!! Thank you for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday! I will be sharing your recipe on my Facebook page! I'm your newest follower!


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