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Mummy Pretzels

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These Mummies are fast and easy for you kids to make!


Here’s what you need!

12 Pretzel Rods
Black Cookie Icing
24 Candy Eyes-mini m&m’s, candy sprinkles, sugar eyes, fondant, etc.
6 oz. White Chocolate
Cookie Sheet lined with wax paper


Here’s what you do!
Line up pretzel rod on the wax paper. Add a dot of black cookie icing. This is the glue that’ll hold the eyes in place.
Place the eyes on the icing.
Melt white chocolate in microwave or over double boiler. Spoon into baggie, press out air, and seal. Snip off a corner of the baggie. How much you cut will determine how thin or thick your “rags” will be.
Squeeze the chocolate in a zig-zag motion across the pretzel avoiding the eyes. Do two passes over the pretzel for a random criss-cross patter for the rags. 
Let dry for 5 minutes in the fridge. 
Enjoy! At least it should keep the kids busy for 5 minutes… 
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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

10 thoughts on “Mummy Pretzels”

  1. Looks like fun for kids of all ages!!! If I'm reading this right..the chocolate doesn't go all the way around the pretzel stick?

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