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Red, White, and Blue Fun-da-Middles

The 4th of July is quickly approaching and the heat is ON!
The kids have been out of school and I’ve been driving around now more than ever with camp and playdates and stuff, stuff, stuff! 
So for some festive holiday fun, I made some cupcakes. Fun-da-Middle Cupcakes!
And gave them a patriotic twist. 
I made the basic Fun-da-Middles, only colored the centers blue.
I’ve also figured out I can save myself from washing a bowl by placing the cream filling into a baggie and adding the coloring to the baggie. From there, I just snipped the edge of the baggie and added it to the cupcake center. 
Then baked them as directed and let them cool.
I also got a star mold at the craft store and made some red and blue stars. 
Then I made some buttercream frosting and tinted 1/3 blue and 1/3 red.  I was hoping the red would be more red, but I did not add enough coloring and I did not let it rest and develop long enough. Oh well…
I used a large star tip to pipe three layers of the frosting, which, I admit, is A LOT of frosting, but it’s all for the wonderful effect! The oohs and aahs are sure to follow when you present your kids with these sugar filled treats!
Have a Safe and Wonderful 4th of July Holiday! 

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Karyn Granrud

Karyn Granrud

I'm Karyn, a mom and wife, and I founded this little baking blog. Baking and making desserts have been my passion since I was a kid. I love experimenting with different flavors and sharing delicious recipes with all of you. Read more.

39 thoughts on “Red, White, and Blue Fun-da-Middles”

  1. What a great idea!! My kids would totally love these for the 4th. They are pinned and visiting from Something Swanky (and a new follower :).

    The Farm Girl

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