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Paleo Cinnamon Spiced Pecans

These Paleo Cinnamon Spiced Pecans are just what you need to top your dairy free snacks or to keep you going through the afternoon. Don’t give into temptation.

 Paleo Cinnamon Spiced Pecans

If you are following me on Instagram you’ll notice a HUGE change to my regular postings. Yes, I still post my recipes from my blog there, but I’ve been sharing my dinners for the past 10 days and my exercise updates. It’s Weight Loss Wednesday and today we are sharing how we are changing our eating habits.

All through August I was researching recipes, diet plans, healthy eating websites, looking up clean eating and Paleo eating.

It was like opening Pandora’s box! There are so many awesome blogs out there that focus on Clean Eating, Low Carb, Paleo diets! I was amazed. There are also a bunch of e-books on the subject and I think I’ve downloaded like 10 free books so far.

Since I was nervous of being “deprived” of my normal food, I found that by taking the month of August to slowly adjust my eating habits and whittle down the contents of my pantry it made the transition a bit easier.


I introduced my family to the wanderers of  Roasted Veggies. We were living off of cucumbers and carrots with some steamed green beans, steamed peas, and boiled asparagus for dinners. Veggies really were an afterthought – not a priority.

I would also like to admit that I am very lazy. I may a mentioned a few times, that I don’t even know now to meal plan. I knew that for this new eating habit to take hold, I could not wait until 6PM to decide what to make for dinner. I have to plan my dinner and get organized.


These Paleo Cinnamon Spiced Pecans are just what you need to top your dairy free snacks or to keep you going through the afternoon. Don't give into temptation.

To be honest with you, I can’t say that I have 100% picked an official diet. I like the aspects of the Clean Eating mentality. No More Processed Food and Hooray to fruits! However, I’ve also embraced the Paleo way of thinking and cut out grains. No more bread or pasta (for now anyway). BUT… I’ve gotta have my cheese and peanuts… so kinda back to a Low-Carb diet.

I hope that by kicking the Processed Foods with all the processed sugar and wheat, my new pear addiction will be ok.

So, wanna know what I ate the first week?

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Crazy me started this over Labor Day Weekend!

  • Sept 1 – Ham, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower with Ranch Dressing
  • Sept 2 – HUGE mixed greens salad with some berries and chicken (however it was topped with Poppy Seed dressing, not so good)
  • Sept 3 – Steak, roasted cauliflower and carrots, asparagus, and 1/4 of a pear
  • Sept 4 – Dinner out at Carrabba’s! Big Ribeye and Broccoli with a Cesar side salad (didn’t even eat half) and an appetizer of  prosciutto, cheese and strawberries.
  • Sept 5 – Dinner at Chick-fil-A Side Salad with grilled nuggets.
  • Sept 6 – Paleo Chicken Nuggets, asparagus, raw carrots and cucumber with ranch dressing.
  • Sept 7 – Honestly, wasn’t very hungry… had some black olives.

I have been full at night. I have enjoyed our dinners. If I get hungry at 11, I opt for some string cheese or some grapes.

One night I enjoyed a handful of these Paleo Cinnamon Pecans.

These Paleo Cinnamon Spiced Pecans are just what you need to top your dairy free snacks or to keep you going through the afternoon. Don't give into temptation.

They had a touch of sweetness from the honey with a cinnamon spice. No, they weren’t as wonderful as pecans from a fair, but they weren’t covered in sugar either.
Check out the 10 other ladies who are making a change to eat better and get healthy-
Becca at It’s Yummilicious
Nicole at Wonky Wonderful
Gillian at The Haas Machine
Sarah at Sarah SaturDIY
Meg at Sweet Twist of Blogging
Katie at Clarks Condensed
Heather at Heather’s French Press
Paula at Call Me PMc
Sadie at Slap Dash Mom
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Paleo Cinnamon Spiced Pecans
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Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Servings 1 Cup


  • 1 C Pecans
  • 1 Tbls Honey
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/8 tsp Nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp salt


  • Place all ingredients into a bowl and mix well coating the nuts with the honey. Place on a lined cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
  • Allow to cool before eating or storing.


Nutrition information isn’t always accurate.

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Author: Susan Queck
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Susan Queck

Susan Queck

I'm Suzy, the baker and dessert maker behind this blog. Baking is my lifelong passion, where I find the magic in transforming basic ingredients into delectable works of art. Join me in my sweet journey of culinary exploration and celebration! More about me.